One of our most celebrated images. the wind was howling, and Rocco is a rowdy 2 year old colt. He fit the part perfectly, but it took about 300 images to get just one good shot. War Pony was shot to showcase our fringe ponchos and jewelry. Yes I pull out all the stops for our sites imagery. I know this growing process will be an awesome journey.
Sierra is beauty. Her long hair, traditional in the native cultures dances in the last light In across the canyon. Shooting for the site has given me an opportunity to learn so much and touch peoples life's. Sierra is raising two children on the reservation and supporting her family with part time modeling.
Photography with a Purpose started as a story and fund raiser project. Our mission is to donate the profits to the Navajo models and nation, while providing our clients a beautiful piece of Brit West photography. Helen needs an outhouse, and I intend to build her one. She also sent me a list of staples, which I will be delivering to her April 17th. We will video this meeting, and have an interpreter to hear her stories.
I love photography and see this as an outlet to help others.
This giclee print is offered on the finest Epsom smooth matt cotton paper.